Truth Be Told

Her heart has not hardened.  It's guarded. 

I originally wrote this as "She Has The Right" (You can see the original at the bottom of this post.)

This was during a healing period. Out of a lifetime of emotional abuse. 

Then one day,  as I was looking through a photo album,  I saw myself in a different light. I saw a young woman with a newborn baby. She still looked like a child in the face. God started healing my heart through that photo. I looked at her and told her how sorry I was for everything! The heartache, the mistakes,  the hard times. Through my tears I actually heard myself say "I'm so sorry,  you didn't deserve that. You were meant for so much more"  I also heard myself saying "but you were so strong for so long. You raised those babies into such great young people."

And I just knew,  that God was speaking to my heart through that picture. It was He that was saying to me "I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this. But I was there. I am here and I will be here every step of the way from this moment. You stayed so strong. You are not weak, less than, or unworthy of My love and help. I'm here. 

So,  in light of that moment and my state of happiness and healing.  A godly marriage with my Epesians 3:20 husband,  "More than I could ever ask or even imagine!" I give you;

Truth Be Told

Truth be told,  She's always wanted the freedom to be alone when she wants or with others when she needs companay .

In spot of the lies she's endured, she's free to only tell about the parts of her she wants you to know and keep the rest of herself tucked away and she's free to demand truth, seek truth and find it.

In spite of the grief she has endured, she's free to stay in bed on a rainy day or let the tears flow while she dances in the rain when memories invade, because no matter what,  Yeshua is with her, hears her and loves her. 

Because of all the times she thought she had to say yes or her no's went unheard, she's free to be selfish with her time, her heart, her soul and her body! Shes earned the right to say NO to others and be heard!!! 

Because she's been disrespected over and over, she's free to be respected.  She will no longer tolerate being talked down to or treated badly. She is a child of The King!!

For all of the times her wants, dreams and needs were laughed at or ignored, she's free to not need anyone but God's permission for her desires and needs.  She is worthy!

For the times she felt like her body wasnt enough or too much, she's free to eat what she likes, when she likes, as much or as little as she likes. She is beautiful in His sight. 

Truth be told,  there have been times someone was supposed to watch out for her and they looked the other way, yet she is free indeed! Man has failed her,  but Jesus never has!!

Because He will never fail her, He called her and has a pirpose and plan for her,  she need not apologize for who she is;  how she looks, where she goes or where she stays.  She is free to not seek anyone else's permission. 

Truth be told, she has felt alone in a crowd full of familiar faces.  Made to feel small while feeling conspicuously large at the same time....felt annonymous though she was well known.  BUT she's FREE,  favored, cherished, and recognized.

She's done wrong, she's done right, she's been loved, adored, desired, hated, she's loved, she's cared, been abandoned, abused ashamed.......Forgiven.

She's FREE believe that Jesus Never Fails,  knows that He never has failed her, and shout it from the rooftops!!!!

Her heart is free. It's guarded against the world, and tenderly loved,  cared for,  protected and guarded by God. 

Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your ♥

Her heart has not hardened.  It's guarded. 

She's earned the right....  The right to be alone when she wants or with others when she needs companay .

Because of the lies she's endured, she's earned the right not to trust.  To only tell about the parts of her she wants you to know.  She's earned the right to keep the rest of herself tucked away and she's earned the right to demand truth, seek truth and find it...At all costs!

Because of the grief she has endured, she's earned the right to stay in bed on a rainy day or let the tears flow while she dances in the rain.  

Because of all the times she thought she had to say yes or her no's went unheard, she's earned the right to be selfish with her time, her heart, her soul and her body! Shes earned the right to say NO, and be heard!!! 

Because she's been disrespected over and over, she's more than earned the right to demand respect.  She will no longer tolerate being talked down to or treated badly.

For all of the times her wants and dreams were laughed at or ignored, she's earned the right to not need anyones permission for her desires.  She is worthy!

For the times she felt like her body wasnt enough or too much, she's earned the right to eat what she likes, when she likes, as much or as little as she likes.

For all of the times someone was supposed to watch out for her and they looked the other way, she's earned the right to do whatever she needs to take care of herself; by any means necessary, even when it seems rude to others.

She's earned the right to not apologize for who she is;  how she looks, where she goes or where she stays.  She's earned the right to not seek anyone's permission to be happy.

She has felt alone in a crowd full of familiar faces.  Made to feel small while feeling conspicuously large at the same time....felt annonymous though she was well known.  She's earned the right to be favored, cherished, and recognized or remain isolated by her own choice.  

She's done wrong, she's done right, she's been loved, adored, desired, hated, she's loved, she's cared, been abandoned, abused ashamed.......Forgiven.

She's earned the right to her beliefs. 

Her heart isnt HARDENED, its guarded, by the Grace of God. 

Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your ♥
