That was what my mom said. I had to agree. Mom and I often talked about how we loved the "Day That Everything is Suddenly Green!" That's what we actually called it; "Mom!! Today is it! It's the day everything suddenly turned green! Have you seen it yet??"
She would reply that she either had or that she would go look now and after she saw, we would talk about Spring and how pretty it is and how we loved this day!
However, her favorite color was blue, so we concluded that that was God's second favorite because.... Well.... Sky. And since it's yellow and blue that make green, and the sun is yellow and that's MY favorite color, we figured we had great taste!! We loved God's three most favorite colors! LOL
Some of our conversations, I tell ya..... They could be deep and personal and then a moment later one of us might stumble over a word or we might have seen something random that was funny and started laughing so hard we could hardly stand it. There were times we had to pull over if we were driving because the 'laughing tears' were in the way!!
But....I digress. Let's get back to Green. When the beautiful colors of Fall and then Winter is over, and the ground and trees are all brown, we would wait in anticipation for that magical day in March when suddenly everything around us looks so green!!
That day recently showed up this year and I was thinking about mom and those past conversations, and what beautiful colors she must be experiencing now in Heaven. I'm sure it's a brilliant green like we can't imagine here on earth!
I sometimes will be driving on a nice day and try to imagine what the earth might have looked like before roads, sidewalks, buildings, wires, cars.... All of that, and how beautiful it must have been. Then, I can hardly wait for the day when God makes it all new!!
As I was thinking about green; and I'm all about looking into the deeper meanings of things, the color green means New Life.... Salvation... It's one of the two colors used at Christmas time (red .. Blood of Christ being the other), a Christmas wreath is green and we often hear stories of how that signifies Eternal Life!
You know what? I think mom was EXACTLY right. I think God's favorite color IS green!! He longs for us to have New Life!!! Salvation!!! Eternal Life with HIM!!!
My mommy left me for Heaven on March 19, 2016. The days leading up to that we talked about how one of our favorite days of the year was coming any time now. We watched for it. Mom wasn't to be here for it that year. I remember when "The day everything suddenly turns green" finally came in 2016, I whispered to myself "Mom, it's beautiful. I wish you could see it!"
Then when I thought about where she was and how silly my thought was compared to THAT.....
I could almost hear her whisper back, "Julie, it's beautiful! I wish you could see it!"
Someday Momma... Someday we will enjoy God's Favorite Colors.... Together.
Beautiful, Julie!